A Little Goes a Long Way
Everyone wants a lush green lawn and beautiful flowers at their homes. Unfortunately, lawn and yard care chemicals also negatively impact our local waters. Excess nutrients from fertilizers can cause drinking water contamination, algal blooms, and fish kills. Pesticides are also harmful
to aquatic organisms and wildlife.
To minimize the impact to our rivers, lakes and streams, use fertilizers and pesticides only when necessary and no more than the recommended guidelines on the packaging. Make sure to never apply these products when rain is forecast.
Go with a greener approach by fertilizing only once a year
using a slow-release fertilizer and avoid using combination "weed & feed" products. Hand pick weeds when possible, and if you must treat weeds or insects with pesticides, spot treat them rather than dousing your entire lawn or garden. Better yet, consider using natural pest control methods.
Using these approaches, you can ensure a beautiful yard and landscape that's healthier for our waterways.
Other useful tips:
Apply fertilizers and pesticides only during the growing season.
If any lawn chemicals get on the sidewalk or driveway, sweep them back onto the lawn to prevent them from washing into storm drains.
Test your soil or consult a local professional or certified applicator to determine the amounts of nutrients your lawn requires.