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General Stormwater Pollution Prevention for Businesses

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Stormwater pollution prevention is aimed at reducing and/or preventing the contamination of stormwater runoff at its source, before it enter the drainage system. Below are the ways for your business can prevent the introduction of pollutants to our local flood control ditches, stream, rivers and lakes.

Prevent Contact with Stormwater – Cover or enclose an activity or process to avoid it from coming into contact with rainwater or stormwater runoff.


Locate Operations Properly – Ensure that outdoor activities and material storage (including bulk, liquid and scrap materials) are located away from concentrated flows of stormwater or divert stormwater away from materials, activities and areas of potential contamination.


Spill Prevention and Response – Develop and implement a spill prevention and response plan to reduce the potential for unexpected discharges of pollutants and hazardous materials that can contaminate stormwater or enter the stormwater drainage system.


Routine Cleaning and Good Housekeeping – Schedule regular cleaning to reduce the presence of pollutants and implement good housekeeping practices designed to maintain a clean work environment.


Preventive Maintenance – Undertake routine inspections and preventive maintenance of equipment, outdoor storage and activity areas.


Proper Waste Disposal – Following proper methods for the storage, handing and disposal of solid, liquid, food and hazardous wastes.


Employee Training – Educate and train employees about stormwater pollution and the relevant practices and protocols in place to prevent the contamination of stormwater runoff.

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